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Childhood Memories
Monday, November 30, 2009
I felt an urge to write!


"I shall cherish my memories with you."

1. Playground
2. King
3. Bored
4. Crush
5. Quiet
6. Colors
7. Tree
8. Cry
9. Fun
10. Laugh
11. Story
12. House
13. Drama
14. Family
15. Scared
16. Candy
17. Stuffed animal
18. Balloon
19. Friends
20. Clouds
21. Kiss
22. School
23. Ice cream
24. Smile
25. Water


6:10 PM
Sunday, November 29, 2009

Characters: Audrey Bernice, Dolph Jairus
Genre: Fluff, Third Person, Turn Back That Clock.

Her blue eyes stared outside of her house, feeling nervous. It was one thing to disobey your parents; it was another to leave your house without letting your parents know. Her small hand was tightly clutched by her older neighbour, Dolph. Both of their parents had denied access to leave the house on their own, and Dolph had decided to matters on his own hands. Yes. Run away from home just to go to a fricking playground.

Audrey would have smacked him. If only his hand wasn't so... clingy to her own.

The playground wasn't that far from their house, just a walk across the road. "D-Dolph... Are you sure we won't get in trouble..?" She asked, her eyebrows furrowed nervously. Of course, that was a stupid question; Dolph had no idea how protective her parents were.

"Of course not!" Grinning that ever-so-adorable grin that made her much better. Audrey decided to place her trust in the boy.

She'll just laugh when he got slapped later.


Note: Random ending. xD


6:52 PM
Saturday, November 28, 2009

Characters: Milanor, Clarion
Genre: Fluff, Turn Back That Clock, Third Person

"Argh!" He groaned, as he gripped his silver hair in utter frustration. Clarion just sat on her chair, blinking at his demise. On the table was a chess set, and the younger girl had won.

For 34 times.

His male pride--even though, he was still at the tender age of 9--wouldn't allow him to lose. "How do you keep winning..?!"

A small smile tugged at her lips. "..." She looked away, debating whether or not to tell him, her answer was affirmative. "Maybe it's because you keep thinking the King is a pawn..."



1:40 AM
Friday, November 27, 2009

Characters: Kimura Katae, Namimori Kira
Genre: Fluff, Turn Back That Clock, Third Person

"How about throwing muffins at fat kids?" Kira rolled his eyes as he continued to listen to his friend's random suggestions. It was a holiday and the two young children decided to spend their day together, but soon they found each other in a situation where everybody hated to be in; they were bored.

They were in Kira's house, seeing as though Katae's parents would pester them and Kira's parents were always working; they were both seeking for some time together, however Kira doubted Katae thought 'time together' as friendship bonding, not anything beyond that.


"Ugh," she pouted, discouraged. "I give up. You think of something to do."

An idea presented itself in her mind. He leaned over and kissed her pre-puberty cheek. He watched as her cheeks soon grew red, a smirk couldn't help but grow.

"W-What was that for..?" She asked slowly, stuttering the words as her hand flew to her cheek.

"Oh, nothing~." He grinned and walked around.

"Wait, come back! Don't leaveeee meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" She cried out, annoying--which he had an idea that she did it on purpose.

They both spent their day by having Katae run after Kira.



1:54 AM
Thursday, November 26, 2009

Characters: Caesar Silverberg, Latisha Lightfellow
Genre: Fluff, Turn Back That Clock, Third Person

His green eyes looked over her small figure, how that wavy blonde hair complimented her heart-shaped face, how huge her blue eyes were. It had never occur to him how pretty she was. Both Caesar and Latisha were having dinner together; seeing as though their parents thought it'd be nice if they had bonding time.

Of course, she was so quiet, he felt like she would have been raped if he had talked to her.

Or maybe he was exagerrating...

He never had heard her voice properly, he thought about it as he took some chicken soup that his mom had boiled. It hadn't occured to him that when you're thinking; you probably have no idea where your mouth is. He yelped when the hot soup ran down his shirt. Note to self: Never, ever think while eating.

A small giggle resonated Caesar's ears, he looked at Latisha. A small smile was tugged at the corners of her lips, as she struggled to stifled her laughter, he watched as she retreated to the kitchen and came back with a wet napkin.

Watching as she slowly dabbed it at the side of his lip and wiped the trails of soup that ran down from the spoon. "You should go change that shirt." She smiled at him.

It hadn't occur to him until the next day that he had developed a crush on her.

~ End


2:09 AM
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Characters: Nirvana, Solomon Goldsmith
Genre: Unclassified. XD Eyes of Solomon
Note: Solomon is a vampire. He (c) to Blood+. v.v

My eyes gazed over her face, she was asleep; thank goodness or he'd be classified as a stalker, which wasn't good for somene like me. Her platinum blond hair framed her face, the long eyelashes that complimented her gray eyes. My fingers had trailed down her cheek like a ghost, the thrist for her blood was growing strong; but it would be a waste to kill the delicate human that presented itself before me.

As her face stirred, my finger froze into it's place, fearing that she would wake up. The human girl was interesting, for what reasons, however, I hadn't the slightest clue. I sighed out of relief when she had sooth herself back to her deep slumber, it occured to him that she wasn't a light sleeper...

I stood up, preparing to leave. I gave her hair a quick ruffle before standing up. I stopped in my tracks when I heard a small, quiet yawn, I turned my head back and saw that she was awake, rubbing her eyes and standing up. Feeling nervous, I quickly made my uncomprehendable excuses, why, I asked myself.


I had absolutely no idea.

"U-Um, hello..! I wasn't stalking you or anything..! I was just uh... making sure you weren't dead!" Excellent, Solomon. You sounded like a complete and utter idiot.

Her eyes blinked once, probably unsure of what to think of the babble. I blinked as I saw her lift up her index finger and positioned it between her lips. "Shh.." With that, she drifted back to sleep.

I blushed and realized I was in a library.



4:54 AM
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Characters: Nunally, Sylvester
Genre: Fluff, Turn Back That Clock, Third Person

Nunnally twirled her paintbrush with her fingers, her lips tugged at one corner as she thought deeply about it. Even at the golden age of 7, the young brunette had an artistic mind that most of the first graders lack. Their class were having art, and their task were as simple as pie; mixing the colors and painting them on their paper.

As brilliant as Nunally was, there was something that she deeply lacked--common sense. She could paint the face of a person into a believable clown, however she forgot which colours would make the color green. Frowning, she tugged the sleeve of the boy beside her. "Sylvester, what colors make up green?"

"The brilliant Picasso doesn't know?" He blinked while arching his eyebrow in utter confusion.

"Shut up, dunce." She glared at him, her eyes narrowing on him.

"..." He said nothing. His hand took the paintbrush and dipped it into their shared palette. He drenched the brush in the cerulean blue and and throwed a good blob on to an empty space. Next, he took yellow and mixed it together.

"Oohh..!" She smiled and waited for him to finish mixing it.

Sylvester took the brush, fully drenched in forest green paint and smeared it on her face. Smiling, he replied. "That's for calling me a dunce."



12:56 AM
Monday, November 23, 2009

Characters: Hrist, Clyde
Genre: Fluff, Turn Back That Clock, Third Person

Hrist slowly breathed out slowly, the large hill was too much for a young girl such as Hrist to climb. The trip from the castle had taken its toll on her and she was breaking out in sweat. Lady Dana and Lady Noelle had asked her to see if she could bring Clyde back, they didn't followed her because they were busy with their parents' ceremony.

The trip wasn't in vain, she saw the oldest sibling and the heir to the kingdom, lying under a tree. His eyes were closed, his head on positioned on the bark of the tree and his hands were neatly folded on his lap. Blinking, she concluded that he was in slumber. A smile was painted over her features and she took quiet steps next to him, the ceremony wasn't until six in the evening, the two sisters had given her 3 hours to find him; it wouldn't hurt to give Clyde some time to rest.

She slowly laid down next to him, closed her eyes and joined him in his slumber.



1:08 AM
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Clarion Suzette, Milanor Reagan
Genre: Fluff, Turn Back That Clock

Milanor didn't expect this. Hell, no one expected it. The girl in front of him was on her knees--they were scraped really badly, bleeding and all--and she had managed to keep herself up by planting her palms straight onto the rocky pavement.

He could see that she was biting her bottom lip that was quivering rather violent, her eyes were glassy and teary--a hint that the pain had brought tears to her eyes. Still, it was.. rather amazing, she had managed to trip over some stone and came pummeling next to him. Their parents were close, apparently so Milanor was always in charge of taking care of her, seeing that he was 2 years older than her and he had better judgment compared to her.

Shaking away his train of thoughts, he instantly went over to her and examined her wounds. The skin on her palms were badly wounded, bits of sand and rocks were scattered all over her hands and there were some pieces stuck into her wounds. He winced mentally; that must've hurt...

Next time, he really must listen to her parents say that she was accident prone.

It was not long until tears streamed down her cheeks and sobbing softly. Seeing those tears, Milanor panicked. "A-Ahh.. U-Uh..! Clari, don't cry..!" He tried rubbing her back, ruffling her hair, and even hugging her--something he didn't really dared to do with girls, although his friends always noted that girls loved to stare his way--but to no avail.

The thing was, he didn't expect her to bury her head into his chest and hug him back.


Of course, that snot was gonna take some time to wash.



9:04 PM

Pamela Tithel, Malachy Lamont
Genre: Fluff, Turn Back That Clock

Malachy always couldn't help but notice that whenever he played in the playgrounds with his friends; undoubtly he would find a young brunette sitting on a bench alone, her nose buried in thick books. Her fringe had been neatly clipped to the side with a strange cross-designed pin, although she was probably a year younger or the the same age, a rimless glasses was positioned onto the bridge of her nose. Call him observant, but he found her fascinating.

It was the the 13th--but whose counting?--time he saw her. Many time he had wanted to invite her to play with his friends, but judging how she didn't mingle along with any of the kids in the playground; he could tell she was shy. Slowly, he mustered whatever little pride he had in that ten-year old body, he walked up to her. "H-Hello there!"

He watched her blink, before giving a small wave with her small hand. "Can I help you?"

"Ye-- I mean, no. I just.. you know, wanna talk." Gulping, he forgot to note that she had rather intimidating caramel eyes. "I'm Malachy."

"Pamela," she said slowly, unsure of how this would turn out. I mean, how often does a red-head freckled boy come up to a secluded girl and actually tried making friends with her? "... Do you wanna take a seat?" Pamela gestured to the unoccupied seat beside her, gathering her books and stacking them up neatly so he could sit a bit more comfortably.

Malachy heaved up onto the rather high bench, and cocked his head in her book. "I always wondered, how come you come to a playground to read books? Can't you do that at home?"

"U-Um..." The red-head looked closer, pages of colorful panels were positioned inside a bulky thick book. "Mom and Dad don't.. allow me to read manga, so I have to sneak it here..."

... He didn't expected this. The secluded nerd was a manga junkie? Malachy wondered if she had any Shonen Jump...

Grinning, "do you have any other manga?" She nodded and handed him few collection of manga volumes.

Screw violent dodge ball, reading manga is fun.

~ End


9:49 AM
Saturday, November 21, 2009

Nunally, Sylvester
chiGenre: Fluff, Turn Back That Clock, Eyes of Sylvester

I always couldn't help but notice, how her full lips would curve up to a smile when her friends arrived, how she would play with her hair nervously whenever I caught her lying to me. We weren't close, just mere acquitances that happened to be paired up for art classes several times, so much that we weren't even disappointed nor surprised anymore.

I ruffle back my hair and went back to the music sheet that was entitled: "Pathetique K.95" composed by Beethoven. I usually always wonder what she would be doing during free period, what with her friends playing a violent game of dodge ball and she would be alone under the tree with her sketchbook, day in and day out, I notice the thick sketchbook was getting thinner and thinner, symbolizing how hard she would work at perfecting her art.

And she wonders why our classmates call her the "Brilliant Picasso."

I instantly look back onto my sheets, jotting down quick notes of the complicated piece, before I heard her voice speaking quietly to someone. I turned back and look.

As it turns out, I never noticed how beautiful she could look when she was laughing.

~ End


9:37 PM
Friday, November 20, 2009

Pamela Tithel, Andrea Tithel
Genre: Sisterly Love, Turn Back That Clock

It was nearing midnight. Pamela was sitting in the room that her older sister--Andrea--and her shared. Her cheeks were puffed, a sign that she wasn't going to abide by Andy's words so easily. Their mother and father had already went to sleep, so Andrea and Pamela were free to let loose instead of being on their best behavior. Sighing, Andrea looked at her. "Pamela, you know that you have school tomorrow, don't you?"

"Yes, I do, sissy."

"..." Andrea sincerely had run out of ideas to coax her into sleeping, but then again she could just drug her to sleep or something. "Then, go to sleep."

"I'm not sleepy," said Pamela, frowning. Looking up to her sister bravely, her eyes were unwavering in misled determination.

"Then, is there anything I can do?" Andrea began to tire of this, but she couldn't give up now since she knew that she cared for Pamela and couldn't let her potentially get herself sick like this. She watched the brunnete ponder, before giving a small smile and looking at her older sister. "Hm?"

"Can Sissy tell me a bedtime story?"


Notes: EPIC FAIL. D:


4:17 AM
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Evelyn Dalmascus, Eon Atreides
Genre: Fluff, Turn Back That Clock

“Come on..!” Eon sighed, eyes looking blankly at the young girl. Her jet black hair was tied to two pony tails, each at the side as her large blue eyes looked at him pleadingly. “Eooonnn! You were the one who said that if I beat you in a game of dodge ball, tic-tac-toe, hide-and-seek and the monkey bars, you’d play ‘house’ with meeeeee!”

That was mainly because it’d shut her up. The girl had shown an extraordinaire talent in mini-games and sports that required you to throw a ball to hit someone. He still had a major bruise at the side of his forehead; really, despite her wimpy-looking arms, that girl could throw, really, REALLY hard.

Eon couldn’t really say that he was a man of his words, but he was beginning to abide by her wishes, out of sheer annoyance or because somehow, he felt a soft spot for her; though, it was probably the former. Sighing, he ruffled through his dark blue hair, looking at her with annoyance in his eyes, but she probably didn’t even care about how annoyed he felt, Evelyn was probably just suckering him into keeping his promises and he wasn’t going to let her have a chance to guilt-trip him anytime soon.

“Yaaaaaay!” She grinned widely, giving him a huge hug.

Smiling, he patted her head, “so, do I play the dad?”

“...I was thinking you would be more suited to the mom...”

He twitched.



1:29 AM
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Aurora Bernice, Haine Rammsteiner
Genre: Fluff, Turn Back That Clock, Eyes of Aurora

“Ahh, Father, why do you appear upon me so..?”

The sorrow in his eyes; perfection.

“Nothing more than a pathetic ghost, devoid of any life that graces this world..!”

The anguish; utterly magnificent..!

“Alright, cut! Take a two minute break, Haine and not a second longer,” Grinning, I was ecstatic of the pure emotions that shone through his eyes, the sorrowful tone of his voice as the simple, yet meaningful words were uttered; it was beautiful. I slowly uncrossed my legs, as Haine jumped off the make-due stage that the drama club set up since the school didn’t allow the use of the auditorium just yet. “That was spectacular!”

He grinned, showing off his teeth that had a tinge of yellow—he really should stop eating so much candy...—“Man, you’re one hard director to please, Aurora... How many times have I repeated the scene..?”

He knew me well, “thirty-seven.” Putting away the script of “Hamlet”, I turned to him in my snazzy director’s chair, “what made your performance change so much for the good? You were doing so bad until I threw my cup at you, sorry, is the bump still there?”

“...Yes, it still is,” Haine stared at her, rubbing the red patch on his forehead. “I took your advice, I watched the film of Hamlet.”

“You see, that’s why you should listen to me,” I grinned cheekily, “Don’t I get a priizzzzeeee?”

He paused for a moment, then leaned near me and pressed his lips to the side of my head, “thank you, director.”

“W-Whhaaaaaaa...!?” I felt my face turn red, as if blood was rushing to my head. My cheeks felt a little heavy as I quickly got onto my feet and turned to him, but he was already making his way onto the rundown stage. “Wait! Haine! Explain to me! GET BACK HERE!”

“You remembered what you said, didn’t you? I only get two minutes, and not a second longer.” He grinned, “I should always listen to you, shouldn’t I, director?”

He got me good.

~ End


5:39 AM
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Evelyn Dalmascus, Eon Atreides
Genre: Implied Romance/Family Love, Angst, Turn Back That Clock, Eyes of Eon

We were both orphans, that much was obvious. Evelyn, strong-willed and annoying that she is, even had her moments of weakness. Sometimes, she would sneak into my room dead in the night, claiming she kept getting nightmares. I understand what it is she is going through; the memory of the death of her parents was fresh in her mind. I had experienced the exact same feeling, the stench of blood, the horrible feeling of their large cold hands on to your smaller ones, the anxious thing eating at your gut as you slowly called for them to wake up, whispers turning into screams; it was an incident that took an abundant of time to heal the scars of the heart.

It could heal, but it would never disappear.

I slowly patted her head; her cheeks were tearstained, probably from the nightmares that rendered into a sobbing mess. Over the months, we had gotten rather close; I didn’t mind the fact that she was sharing my bed anymore only that I always ended up on the floor the next day.

“Eon...” Her usual loud, cheery voice sounds understandably meek, since she had sobbed or rather the fact she was sound asleep. I draped my arm around her, kissing the top of her head tenderly, as if she was a fragile doll that could break in my arms.

After all, I was something that resembled a family to her; I was all she had left.

~ End


5:59 AM
Monday, November 16, 2009

Evelyn Dalmascus, Eon Atreides
Note: Evelyn’s version of ‘Family.’
Genre: Implied Romance, Turn Back That Clock, Eyes of Evelyn

I was scared. That enough was evident in my eyes as I climbed through the window of Eon’s room, I had gotten used to squeezing my way in due to the many times I had visited in the night. For some reason, I felt comfortable around the older boy; a feeling I couldn’t comprehend nor experience the same comfort with the other orphans.

My nightmares always jolted me awake in the wee hours, and the darkness that shrouded around me had struck fear into my heart. Quietly, I closed the window, due to the many times I had snuck into his room; I had gotten rather skilled at going around unnoticed. I looked over to Eon; he was awake. Figures, I had once concluded that he’d wake up whenever I made my way in.

“Nightmares again...?” He asked softly, I relished in the tender tone that he used. I nodded. Yawning, he shifted, creating a generously large space for me to sleep on. Eon held the blanket high enough so I could scoot in without tangling in the large blanket. He does not say anything; he just wraps his arms around my waist and cooed me to sleep.

When I am with him, I feel safe and a sense of security. And without failure, I drifted off to a comfortable slumber.



8:05 AM
Colors of the Heart
Friday, October 2, 2009
Colors of the Heart

Color can influence our emotions, many people believe that colors are powers, and that colored stones are especially powerful.

Black {Hrist X Clyde}
-Requested by E

Blue {Lucille X Eon}
-Requested by E

Grey {Nunnally X Sylvester}
- Requested by Tate, E

Yellow {Latisha X Caesar}
-Requested by El

Orange {??? X ???}
- Requested by Wally

Green {Adell X Raine}
-Requested by Tate, E

White {Hrist X Clyde}
-Requested by Jan

Indigo {Hrist X Clyde}
-Requested by Vegi

Red {Lucille X Eon}
- Requested by Pops

* There are not in order. XD If you want to read all of them, click on the label, "Colors of the Heart." below. :DD


10:24 PM

Characters: Hrist, Clyde
Genre: Romance, Tragedy, Angst, Eyes of Hrist
Meaning: Death
Dedicated to: Tate, E
Note: Prequel to Indigo

Pain seared through my body, my eye lids were heavy, luring me to sleep an eternal slumber. Tears were gathering my eyes, threatening to fall if I had not stop thinking of him. I just couldn't bring myself to do it... I betrayed him... I had absolutely no right to think of him; I was just a lowly scumbag that was driven by my idiotic goal for revenge; it blinded me, I couldn't see what he wanted.

Here I was; a suitable ending for one such as myself. Blood staining my skin, rotting alone, filled with the memories of the person whom I love when I had no right to love him. I didn't know why but... why ... was I hoping that I could see him before I died?

The sounds of footsteps rang through her ears, she turned her head towards the door with much difficulity, cringing in discomfort as light flooded the dark room. My tears couldn't stop themselves from trickling down her face, he was there. Not with an expression of anger or rage, but of concern...

"W-What are you doing here..?" I choked back a sob, straining my vocal chords to speak.

"I found out... Why you left us... why you left me." He stroked her cheek, eying my wounds that were sickeningly gory.

I bit my lip and smacked his hand off my cheek, and with everything I've got; I yelled at him. "I'm nothing but a traitor, a lowly scumbag who betrayed you..!" He looked at me, patience in his expression and.. love in his eyes.

My hands touched my cheek; wet and damp, my tears betrayed my empty words. He smiled, glad that I understood, glad that I didn't mean what I said. He carried me, I was enveloped by warmth...

Warmth that I didn't deserve.

I felt energy escaping my body. "No." I said slowly, looking at him. "I don't deserve this.."


"...I know I won't be saved." I continued, crying even more. "Your Higness--no--Clyde... Will you .. do me a final favor..?"

He kneeled down, biting back tears. He knew deep down, he was still angry at me. I could feel it... "...Anything."

I smiled for the final time at him. "Smile."

Without hesitation, he instantly smiled at me. That smile which I loved... It was more than enough for me. I leaned forward, brushing my lips over his in a chaste kiss. My first and final, I gave them to him.

"Good bye, Clyde... I love you."

I faded into the beckoning darkness..



8:27 AM

Characters: Caesar, Latisha
Genre: Romance, First Point of View
Dedicated to: El. :D
Meaning: Joy and Happiness

The tip of my finger trailed down the jaw of the man that I vowed to live my life with. He was sleeping, arms wrapped around my waist and head laid on my lap. This man--Caesar Silverberg--was the man of her life. A smile made it's way to my lips, as I stared at him, my hand stroking his smooth cheek.

This man is my happiness.

~ End


5:00 AM

Characters: Lucille, Eon
Meaning: Protection
Dedicated to: E
Origin Color: Blue
Genre: Romance, First Person Point of View, Angst
Note: ....:D This is war time.

My blue eyes trailed down the figure of Lucille. Frail and delicate, almost like she'd break if you touched her. Her hand was in both of mine, they were cold, seemingly deprived of life. The energetic girl that I've come to respect was laying on this very bed, her conscious in a disarray.

And it was all my fault.

If I wasn't so driven by revenge against my own brother, this wouldn't be happening to her. My blue hair covered my eyes as I sunk back onto my chair, my hands were trembling. With what, I didn't know. Be it sorrow, fear, angusih, pain; no tears would come out.

I won't cry. Not until she wakes up from her slumber. When she does; I'll protect her.

~ End


12:37 AM
Thursday, October 1, 2009

Characters: Lucille, Eon
Genre: Fluff, Romance, Eyes of Eon, Sequel of Torqiouse
Meaning: Confidence
Dedicated to: Pops

I looked at her from afar, protectiveness in my eyes. She was training; to exercise her limbs that had seem to fallen asleep over the course of her 1 month-coma. What I had not predicted was; she did not blame me for her fall. She smiled that beautiful smile of hers and asked me not to worry about it. It really made me feel bad, yet relieved at the same time. I couldn't... imagine a day without her enthusiasm, her smiles and her friendly behavior.

It had merely been a week since she had woke up but, I had felt a primal urge to protect her. I walked over to her, I was confident, this time, I won't let anyone hurt her.

~ End


9:23 AM

Characters: Hrist, Clyde
Genre: Fluff, Romance, First Point of View {Through the Eyes of Hrist}
Meaning: Spiritual Realization
Dedicated to: Veggers. xD

The heel of my feet touched the ground as I looked at him; Clyde. He had lost weight, ever since my death. He couldn't see me, I'd figure as much. I was nothing but a ghost now, held by lingering feelings to the tainted world. I slowly walked forward, careful not to make a sound, though I knew I wouldn't, my hand slowly touching his, trying my best to comfort him, to forget about me and just move on.

Deep down in my own heart, I too wanted to stay with him, but I had no regrets; saving the life of the person who saved me; I find no greater honor. My arms circled his neck and planted my lips over his. I blinked, feeling him respond slightly, his arms circling around my waist.

I smiled and I saw that he was too.

~ End.


2:18 AM

Characters: Adell, Raine
Genre: Fluff
Meaning: Sharing
Dedicated to: Taters

It was a quiet day at Cafe Bliss; it was quite an unusual sight at that. Raine laid her back on the cushioned chair, a bored expression took over her usual cheery face. There were a were customers, here and there. Adell walked over to her, sitting across her, a box of Pocky in his hand as one of the breadsticks sticking out of his mouth.

Raine's eyes widen as she tried to reach for the Pocky box, Adell's chuckle ringing in her ears. "Adell-dear, sharing is caring."

Adell laughed, eating the breadstick snack finished and stuck another in his mouth, beckoning her to eat the other side. She blushed and enveloped her mouth over the opposite end, eating until their lips met.

~ End.


1:30 AM

Characters: Hrist, Clyde
Genre: Romance, First Person of View [Clyde]
Meaning: Peace
Dedicated to: Janny. XD

The sickening smell of blood filled my nostrils, the commotion around me was deafening. Dana--my younger sister--rushed to me, a worried expression painted over her lovely features as she held me in her arms; tears were gathering around the rims of her eyes as she kept crying out my name. Pain was flowing through my body, numbing my limbs, my energy was being drained out with my blood. I was tired now...

I just ...wanted to see her.

My beloved Hrist..

White enveloped my visions, there she was; her arms outstretched, enveloping my body in a warm embrace.

I was finally at peace...

~ End


12:43 AM

Characters: Nunnally, Sylvester
Genre: Fluff, Eyes of Nunnally
Meaning: Security
Dedicated to: Taters, E. XD

I jolted into reality, my face was drenched in sweat. The gory images embedded in my mind; I knew I shouldn't had watched Saw V in the middle of the night, I was too afraid to go back to sleep. My knuckles were white as they clutched the bedsheets as I calm my thundering heartbeat. I looked over at Sylvester, hoping I had not wake him up. Unfortunately.. I did.

"...Did you have a bad dream?"

I nodded slowly, having no intention to hide her fears, not when I was so shaken up. Slowly, he enveloped my trembling body. I basked in the glory of his warmth, I had never experienced such security in my life.

I felt save.



12:00 AM
Arietta Atherischer
14 years old
Scorpio Just a lonely lil' girl.
There might be times where I might use a character from an anime or game.
I love:
That boy,
the other boy,
Kingdom Hearts,
Ryoji Mochizuki,
my PSP [Arixus, who evidently, earned two scars],
my DS [Delilah, whose an oldie]
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    September 2009 October 2009 November 2009
    picture foto-decadent
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    skin slayerette
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